What to bring for a horse tour at Langhus farm:

The climate in our area is wonderful in the summer, rain hardly happens, and a lot of still weather, and good temperatures for Icelandic standard.  But people from other countries are often not used to our summer temperatures, and we also sit still on horseback, it’s different from hiking 🙂

So dress a little bit warmly.

All year round it is a good idea to have nice stuff to keep warm in cold weather:

  • A wind-tight jacket.
  • A sweater underneath, a fleece sweater maybe.
  • Gloves.
  • Beanie hat, or buff, for your head.
  • We recommend some soft comfortable type of pants.
  • Hiking shoes (with a little bit of heel) are great, otherwise sneakers do well.
  • Iceland isn’t warm so people don’t need to bring water.
  • You can ride with a camera if it has a strap around your neck.
  • You can not ride with a backpack.
  • If it’s a very cold day, for example in winter, wind-tight pants are wonderful.

We provide:

  • Riding helmets.

We can provide, if you need:

  • Gloves, hats, buffs and such.
  • Rain wear (rain is very rare in our area).
  • Winter full body suits.
  • Your own clothes might though fit you better.

Experienced riders, note:

  • You can not bring your own used helmet from abroad, or used riding shoes, because of strict horse disease control in Iceland.
  • But any used riding clothes that have gone through a thorough washing machine program (min 40 ° C) can be brought and used.
