Paradís from Sauðárkróki.
Meaning of name: Paradice.
Age: 6 (born 2006)
Color: Black pinto (Svartskäck / sortbroget / brúnskjótt).
Level: Some novice riders / intermediate / experienced riders.
Registration number: IS2006257005.
Has been ridden for a few months. Willing to please, has nice energy and works hard, but very easy to control. Courageous under saddle. Is a bit shy in pasture, but can be caught. Loves to be brushed and pampered, good on the ground. Very smooth and easy tolt and trot, tolt is first choice of gait. Fast to learn. Knows some basic leg yielding and backing. Super family prospect or riding school prospect, will be an excellent beginner horse when she’s more experienced, but hard working and fun for the experienced rider too. Trailer loads easily. Excellent pedigree. Has ink spots and two pinto parents so she should be homozygous for pinto, which means all her offspring will be pinto. Has 108 in BLUP. Bred and ultrasounded in foal to Þórálfur IS2009101167 from Prestsbæ, which has 125 in BLUP, and is after Álfur from Selfossi and Þoka from Hólum.
Sire (father): Þristur IS1998186906 frm Feti (Evaluated, 4-gated with 8,35 for talents, 8,14 for conformation, 8,27 in main score, has honorary prize for offspring).
Dam (mother): Hetta IS1991257006 from Sauðárkróki.